Residential Services

Currently offering in person and virtual* consultation/support. Please contact us at with any questions! 

*20% deposit required for virtual consultations and support. All hourly work will be rounded up to the nearest half hour mark.

Computer Services ($50/job)
-If hours worked are greater than 3, job will be charged $25/hr for any additional time.
-This price does not include any parts purchased for the job. These will be added to the final cost.

-Email Setup/Problems

-Browser Setup/Problems Error Codes 

-Printer Setup/Problems 

-Malware, Spyware, Virus Removal and Protection

-Pop-up Removal 

-Slow Speeds 

-Internet And Wireless Connections 

-Loud Fan Problems 

-Display Settings 

-Driver Issues

 -USB or Ethernet Port Not Working 

-Desktop Icons 


-Much More!

Home Networking Services ($40/hour)
-This price does not include any parts purchased for the job. These will be added to the final cost.

-Network Cable Troubleshooting

-Network Speed Troubleshooting

-New Network Hardware Consultation

-New Network Hardware Installation Support

Cloud Services ($50/hour)

-DNS Configuration (A, AAA, CNAME, MX, TXT)

-Mail Server Consulting

-Google Workspace Consulting

-AWS Consulting

-Azure Consulting